Monday, December 26, 2011

3rd year and counting..amin...

One of the happiest day of my life,everybody was there with the gendang,and silat,nothing beats the joy of being wed in the place you grew up with the people that you love.It was massived,not that I have the power to control the crowd,both ma and pa are no stranger to all.At the end of the day,we have to clean the dirtiest pots that were used,and of course a bucket full of letfovers orange syrups with cold hard ice was the cherry on the cake waiting for us.Praying for more years to come...amin..

Ai'syah first movie at the cinema!

Mati kene bebel ngan papa kalau die tengok entry ni..But lets face it,its either me take her there or she will be sneaking behind me later (like what i did,hehe).Anyway,Ai'syah was such a good girl,she refuse to sit on either ummi or baba's lap during the movie.No screaming,just quietly sitting down with popcorn.(siap silang kaki lagi dok,ko mampu?)At the end only she stands and started dancing to the last songs.Movie was great,who would've guess Jason Seigal wrote the story?Boy must he loved th Muppets!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

yummy ummi's polka dots and ladybirds apams!

friends and family been telling me i should sell this,so here there are.. 50 pcs -rm 20(polka dot) 50 pcs- rm 30 ( ladybirds) email for details at

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Happy 10th bIrthday AA!

OMG I must be a retard for excidently deleting my own post!?wtfish! Anyway,must get back to what I stupidly erased just now!(ketok kepale) In the post I asked why: you take the LOW COST CARRIER when you know your ass can't fit in the small seat?its LOW Cost=Smaller plane get it? 2.stare at the stewardess short skimpy skirt if you know its aurat?(tgk skali dahla!) 3.complain to others instead of the customer service?they are paid to hear your complain,did you know that?(better,go to the press,masok tv ko nyah!) 4.did you blame them for the tax??its the freaking MAB(goverment)who got the money(ticket dah murah lagi nak seme free!) you questioned that you cannot change your cheap ticket at the last minute?hello? Check the t&c before you bought the ticket? Duh.. 6.go angry for check in charges??in US,and other countries,dah bezaman buat check in online yer??!FYI,klu kene tgl flight jugak biasenye adela yg salah kat ground staff or MAB. These are also some off the reason why all the delayed flights happened; 1.if you see the pilot are a bit late,chances are there's a last minute changes,the onduty pilot maybe call-in sick or maybe having emergency ( pilots are normal human ),so they have to get other pilots to take that pilot place.and there are two of them. 2.if they pilot tells you that they need to turnaround,chances are the weather are bad that its not safe to land,or something might be wrong with the flight,most of the time its the weather. 3.LCTT and KLIA share the same runaways (landasan) soo,they have to follow the air traffic control,bukan ikot ske Tony yer?sabo bole? 4.the stairs are not that high,its not batu caves,its just stairs,get ur lazy ass to do some exersicela!if your golden citizen,pregnant women,special needs,and so forth,you get to cut the line!so whats the problem here? 5. Go travel with other airlines if you hate it soo much,dont go complain,bitch-fit on fb about it then bile offer stay- up tunggu ticket murah!whose the bitch now? As a conclusion,we all like to things for granted,ade low cost carrier bebel,sedar tak sedar ramai dah org yang dah naik kapal terbang kan? Cube tnye makcik2, dlm 5 org mesti sorg dah penah naik AA..betul cakap boss, now everyone CAN fly! Hehehe...biarla siape pun tokey,siapepun proxy nye,yang penting kite semue dah senang nak melihat dunia selain malaysia..orang KB flight penoh sokmo klu pg KL,sene kawe nok nego!nak jumpe sedare mare jauh...bukan itu ke yang penting?cube tgk org putih kat LCCT,kelek anak 3 relax je,sbb die dah biase travel dgn low cost carrier,so die tak kesah,dah namenye pun murah!Yang penting jalan!nak exclusive2 pgla naik MAS...airport kosong,kapal kosong,senang nak check in...kekekeke...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Give her a TWO!

some of the shots taken from Ai'syah's birthday..much thanks to all that came.though she was sick,like her ummi (eccheee!) Ai'syah was a good sport that night!may you be a solehah daughther,sister,and mother one day..amin...ummi and baba loves you soo very much!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Of D&C and Rota Virus....

Today we are going to talk about D&C,according to Medlineplus Medical Encyclodia,D and C is a procedure to scrape and collect the tissue (endometrium) from inside the uterus.

Dilation ("D") is a widening of the cervix to allow instruments into the uterus.
Curettage ("C") is the scraping of the walls of the uterus.

As I shared my recent misscarriage,this was our last alternatives since the doctors have tried giving me prescriptions and giving me meds to clears out my was the longest sleep I had after two years off no deep sleep after having Ai'syah,cause she fully breastfed.When the doctor give me a heads up that I'll feel nothing but sleepiness I was quite nervous since I never experince general or local anesthesia.I can feel the meds kicked in and bam!I'm in lala land!I can hardly open my eyes after almost two hours,though the procedure only took about 30 minutes..Only the next day I realized that its really over,the babies I carried for 11 weeks are now really gone...I had mixed feeling of relief and sad but I need to sucked it up since Ai'syah was having a terrible dierhea,she cried everytime she pooped and her soft bottom had this nasty redness which just made it worse.
Meanwhile,earlier that week I've already booked place,cakes,and invited bunch of friends and family for Ai'syah birthday party,something that I decided to do inspite of all the things happened to me..Its just seemed not fair to skip my princess birthday cause ummi was sick..Then at the night of her party,princess dierhea worsen,she now puked!Party had to go on,she was smiley all thru the night,though she was pretty scared of the A & W bear.But I can see her getting tired from everything and puked again before we leave the party..The next day,we decided that we need to take her to the hospital,jumped straight to emergency room cause she starting to look fatigue,doctor examined and decided to do a swab test,and then told us that she had Rota Virus,something that we didn't see coming...But the good news was she's showing signs off recovering as the doctor point that Rota Virus can't be detected early,only when its almost over then only they could tell..Alhamdulillah,she's revovering well...
So there you goes,my episodes in the hospitals...

Friday, November 18, 2011

Lost .....

11 weeks ago,I found out I was pregnant, Few weeks after that, the doctor confirmed , It's a twin, But she warned of the risks, Mixed emotion, Worried,sad,happy,overwhelmed, God is great I was getting the hold of it, Last Tuesday another check up, Was feeling good, Morning sickness had eased up, Looking at the screen, Babies looked ok, But I noticed something, Where's the heart beats doc??? Then she said it, The nightmare that I did not want to hear, She asked me to wait, Leaving hospital with tears in my eyes, Hoping for miracle, Wanting for a second opinion, Mama said patience,mak said dont cry, Went for the second doc, Seeing them there, No heart beats, Kills me inside!! God knows how I wished I dont blame myself,r What I've done,what I've ate?? Thank Allah for people around me, For Ai'syah,for hubby, For those who care, I thank you... Though this might be the toughest moment for me, I'm glad I had all of you, My family,my friends,my hubby;my hero....

Friday, September 23, 2011


Yesterday,early in the morning my usual routine starts with subuh prayers,then ipad browsing..i saw my highschool senior status that said that one of her batchmate passed away the night before after fighting a battle with breast cancer..i burst into tears,i should have visited her during raya,i should have looked for her address..i was filled with guilt..:(i was planning to do soo,but..there's always a used of talking about it,just make me felt more guilty.. I didn't had the chance to see her after highschool,she was my sister batchmate,my roomates when i was in form1,hour beds were next to each other,i remember how sporty she was,how she smell in the morning before heading to class,she used to wore top-to-toe Enchanter showel gel,lotion,and perfume...She was tall,totally cheerful,and ready to cheer me up whenever I'm down..We've came accrossed through our facebook pictures,and status....she did mentioned that she's sick but never really mentioned about what kind of sickness she's dealing,only those whose closed knew cause she did starts blogging for a short i read her blog,she manage to write 10 entries which started in July,knowing her for that short period of time,I knew she was such a strong person,fighting a battle that only God knows how painful it is.. I cant stop crying reading this one entry about her daughter whose turning 7 years old next year,and how smart she is..all i can do is pray for her,and for her family to carry on with their fatihah..

Thursday, September 8, 2011

our 3rd raya...

After a few weeks of playing nurse at home cause Ai'syah got chicken pox and then she got tummy infection(saddest part was seeing her refusing food, that's another entry)We had a blissful raya!This year,baba 's turn,then off to Pekan!wehooo!more people,more houses to go to,we all got cirit-birit cause overate ! dose tau,org kat Somalia tak cukup makan,gile tak wasatiah!anyway,Ai'syah is back on munching almost everything,alhamdulillah!I can see her cheek again!slamat hari raye semua!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


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Salam,its been quite some time not wrting,reasons are many but don't need to write that iI guess?
It's Ramadhan,my favourite months of the year!alhamdulillah,looking forward to fast again since I was visited by aunt flow on the 1st Ramadhan,thank you very much.poor hubby was fasting alone,poor bubu...
Anyway,I think I did mentioned that I hope to be pregnant again this year..?Well,no need drumrolls,not happening yet..:'( sad,but I know,Allah has plans for me,so let the nature run its course...I was obbssed at some point,counting my period,checking dates for my ovulation,crazy huh?Teary eyes when aunt flow came,i hate it!i was driving myself crazy,thankfully hubby was such a good sport.Always knows how to deal withbmy sadness..saborjela,kawen ngan drama queen kan?
On that note,lets talk about my darling princess!She talks her own language that only sometimes I can understand..She mimicked almost every single thing that she saw me doing,putting on make-ups,cooking,praying,etc.Still fully breastfed,she's starteddrinking choc formula milk these past few weeks,but only as breakfast drinks.Very talkative,full of energy ( did i mentioned Nur Ai'syah means cahaya yang hidup?) exactly what she is!Till then ,happy fasting peeps!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

much ado about Krabi..

Salam..have been longing to write about our Krabi trip but just got that writer's block.Hmm..Where do I start?Ok,long story short.We love Bali better than Krabi.Though food was great and halal food are everywhere, we find it a bit pricey.Stuff,food,and all compared to Bali.Maybe the language barrier was the big turnoff and also the attitude of the people there.They seemed to ignore you when "Mat Saleh" come.That was it.Overall,the islands are wonderful.And most important thing,Ai'syah was enjoying herself that she slept with a smile on her face at night throughout the trip.Besides,that's all that matters,right?Thinking back maybe the people there are still new to tourist compared to Bali that have been used to see tourist most of their life?Here's some of the pictures.Enjoy!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

My first self-purchase handbag after 5 years!!!!!

Pathetic as it sound,its true...I've been spoil by my husband for the past 5 years we've been together.Plus I was a student back then,so,handbag was never really on my budget unless it cost not more than 50ringgit.I used to work before I continue my degree,my last purchase of handbag was a fake LV from Petaling Street.hehehe..(demmm..tuenye!)
This month I called it my rezki month.After such a long time lazying myself chasing Ai'syah around,I start baby-sitting lil'Adreanna.It was chaos,the first week.It was overwhelming for me.Ai'syah was not much of help as she never had to share attention with anybody before.But its been a month today,and we both have used to that lil' smiley girl with a serious appetite for breast milk.hehe..Thinking back,this is such a good practice for both me and Ai'syah before Ummi's pregnant again..(not yetla!)
This week receive another job from my ex-lecturer(BFF) too,asking me to help her prepared some slides for her short English courses.Though I was afraid to say yes,but I took her challenge.Allah knows how glad I did that!It reminded me of how much I love studying and teaching!And my lecturer was happy with my work!Yay!
Soo,all in all the two things that I did rewarded me with some amount of money.And what did I do with it?I bought myself a new handbag!Looking at the handbag made me felt such joy that is beyond words!To both SIL and my dear Cik Has(BFF!) thank you...You have no idea how happy I am to see that handbag..
Addreanna has starts giggling when I tickled her..Ummi will missed that giggle for these 4 days!We're off to Krabi tomorrow,hubby's taking us three for a vacation!Its our 5th year anniversary of being together.Alhamdulillah..Praying that everything will be going smoothly.amin...:))

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Its dark,its deep,its Black Swan!

If you have been following the latest movies or the Golden Globes Awards,you've probably seen the movie trailer.The movie evolved around the mind of a ballet dancer played by Natalie Portman.Having an obsession to become the perfect ballet dancer,she was caught in the role that she played.Being the White Swan was like playing herself,the innocent and the vulnerability was the essence of her.But being the Black Swan would be the opposite of her,she was constantly pushed by her director to really get into the character. Her obsession with perfection,a very strict and crazy director,a clingy mother was surely the recipe for disaster.The White Swan will have to pay.
To understand what I'm writing you really need to watch this movie.I now understand why Natalie Portman and the movie itself was nominated in every awards.
She was soo good that it gave me chills just seeing her face on this movie poster.Yes,that's how great she is.You will felt sad,angry,happy,disgusted throughout the movie.Just so you know,she injured her ribs during filming this movie,and got herself knocked-up by the dude who play the prince,whose also was her actual ballet instructor.I'd said that injury was worth it!
The music score was perfect,brilliant director, Darren Aronofsky(yes,i googled him)is currently the fiancee of Rachel Weisz also did a good job casting Mila Kunitz.Who would have knew that funny girl from That 70's Show can really act?
The darkness,the suspense of the movie will kept you in the edge of your seat! Go!Watch it!Well,I bought its dvd.:) 5 out 5!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

a note for my young ladies....

Salam,my morning today was ruined by a disturbing simple sms.An old internet friend of hubby decided to said hello and asking him how's his been as early as 8.30 in the morning.I knew she meant no harm.But she have his YM,FB.Do texting early in the morning needed?Really?Tell me if I'm crazy?But how would you feel if a girl text your husband that early just to say hello?Have you no respect for me at all?I do not want to start name calling which I may already put it on my FB.But hey,you crossed the the LINE!I'm sorry if I sounds emotional..But I have my limit,so should you..

Friday, January 21, 2011

Colmar Tropicale :R.I.P

Medieval French Village...Where to start?Hmm..First and foremost,let me remind you,if you haven't been to this place,and planning to go to,DO IGNORE this post.But if you must read it and then decided not to go because of this entry,well,that's pretty much your choice.:P
Located not so far from KL,Berjaya build this so-called-French-countryside.You may have came accross this place a few time by now.As a whole,this place looks pretty nice in the outside..But beware what's waiting for you in the inside!(Jeng..jeng..jeng..)It was an unplanned getaway.We have planned to go somewhere nicer end of this February,inshaAllah..But since its our 2nd wedding anniversary,we decided to go for a quick trip closer to home since hubby didn't really have that long day off.
We've been there once with his family,but we didn't stay.So,this time..Kononnyala..we come with Ai'syah,wanna make it a bit special,stay there for a night,experience the French countryside at night.(Frenchla sangat!)
The day was fun,we took Ai'syah along with my two cousins and Along to the Japanese Garden.Too bad,because of the rain,the waterfall in the garden was muddy.We could still see and fed the Koi fish,but it wasn't as clear like the 1st time we went there.Then we took them to see the soo-called-French countryside,and after we ate,we went our separate ways,as Along took the boys home,and we checked-in to our family suite.
As that moment,Ai'syah body temperature has started to jump up,and she has started crying with saliva running down..My baby teeth decided to reappear.Nice.The room smells like "kepam",the aircond are super cold,and my TV are not working.Great!
Trying not to sound ungrateful to my dear hubby,I shut my mouth and kept myself busy with consoling my dear baby girl until she felt asleep.After many attempts of feeding,Ai'syah finally gave in and felt asleep.Tucking her on the bed I saw this little black thing crawling on our bed.ITS A FREAKING FLEA!!A human flea!I almost screamed,but looking at my poor girl,I hold my voice cause I really didn't want to wake her up.I was working slowly,like a CSI..Looking if there are more of that creatures while scratching my head..(scary!!)
That's just the room,later that night,Ai'syah was feeling better,and so we decided to tryout the Authenthic French fine dining restaurant-La Cigogne.Never seemed to fail my expectation,yes,they did it again.The food?Maybe I never really tasted the real fine dining experienced,but as far as my food knowledge on how they were supposed to taste,made,and look like,I think I pretty much get the idea.At the end of the dinner,we find ourselves laughing at our stupidity and how disappointing the whole experiences has been.The price?Let's just said,you would be fuller by spending the bill at Tony Romas.
As the morning came,we find ourselves packing early and ready to leave the shitty suite(SIOT bukan suite).Thank God the breakfast buffet was good.Last stop was the rabbit sanctuary,they have grown more rabbit and Ai'syah was having fun!Yay!At least they was something that bring smile to our faces.Overall,I thank my husband for spending his time and money to take us to the place(Nasib ade airline crew discount).Though,the hotel was crappy,we still managed to enjoy our short trip there.To Berjaya,I am truly disappointed with you and your maintenance crew.I called almost 3 times for someone to repair the TV,but nobody came.For those who's planning to go there,by all means,GO..But just don't stay..not worth it,owh..Don't forget to pack food,soda cost RM8 per can.Thank you.:)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Makcik Giant.....

Pagi ini lepas rutin sarapan bersama keluarga Noazli kami singgah ke Giant seperti biase.Hari ini agak bernasib baik dapat masuk Giant sebab Ai'syah tak tidur(biasanya dia tidur selepas sarapan).Pendek cerita,tujuan utama nak membeli keperluan harian,bawang,roti,telur,pelembab muka saya,dan sebagainya.
Guardian ada betul-betul diluar Giant,tapi dah alang-alang masuk Giant,beli sajalah pelembab dekat Giant..(selamat duit saye..kekeke)Sampai tempat pelembab muka,ada 2 orang perempuan,sorang makcik,sorang tu tue sket dari saya kot..Pelembab saya dalam almari kaca yang berkunci,jadi saya pun tanya:
"Boleh tolong saya ambilkan Olay ni?"
yang mude sket jawab: "Ha..?pegi mintak dekat sane.."(sambil tunjuk ke kaunter susu yang juga ada almari kaca)
saya:"owh,ok..."berjalan terus ke kaunter seterusnya.
:"saya nak barang Olay dalam almari dekat sana..."
Budak-kaunter-berkaca yang bukan warganegara:"Nak kunci?(sambil tersengih-sengih konfius)
Saya: Hah??urm..takpela..(aku ni ade gaye staff Giant ke?HAHAHA!)
Suami:"Dah dapat?"
Saya:"Urm..takpela..dahlah suruh I mintak ngan budak tu,budak tu nak bagi I kunci pulak..beli Guardian jela..dah macam kerje Giant plak I"
Suami:mane yang jage situ?(Muke sudah bengis!ROAR!(I loike!kakakaaka)

Pada sepanjang saya disitu,meminta bantuan,kedua-dua makcik tidak langsung menoleh ke arah saya,mereka sedang rancak berbual sambil mengelap produk2 yang sebelah,dan belakang saya.Memikirkan betapa TAK PERLUnya saya mengambil kisah bende2 BODOH begini,saya senyum sahaja..Owh..tapi anda berdua silap..

Suami:"Siapa yang nak ambil kunci ni?"(dengan nada selamba)
Makcik Tue:"Tu bukan bahagian saya.." juga dengan nada selamba tanpa menoleh kepada suami saya sambil berpura-pura mengelap barang.

Yer puan2..begitulah cerita 2 orang perempuan di Giant.Suami saya,masih tidak puas hati,pas bayar terus pergi kaunter perkhidmatan pelanggan,panjang juga tulisan dia.Saya,tak kuasa..Terus pergi Guardian beli Olay.Saya harap makcik berdua kene tindakan dengan bos makcik,sebab orang macam makciklah buat bisnes orang lain lingkup!Sekian terima kasih.Untuk pengetahuan:suami saya bukan orang yang marah2 tak tentu pasal,sangat sukar untuk sesiapa pun membangkitkan kemarahan dia,tapi sebab KEBIADABAN anda berdua,dia jadi begitu.Jadi,kalau kene marah dengan bos,jangan marah suami saya..What you give,you get back..

Sunday, January 9, 2011

It's life...

Today,a friend lost her husband...She's 8th months pregnant coming to the final trimester next week..They just finished packing,he just bought them a new home...He just bought a movie tickets for tonight,they wanted to have a date night...In the afternoon,he collapsed..And the rest is history..
We were all shocked...Stunned..Lost of words...I found myself lost,I don't know what to say to her,cause all that I can see that,I couldn't imagine myself in her shoes..No words can console her..I was trying very hard not to cry,seeing her,swollen and teary eyes..Only God knows how she really felt..And all that I can said was:"sabar eh.."
Praying for my dear Yvone..I hope she'll be given strenght to carry on..