Thursday, December 8, 2011

Happy 10th bIrthday AA!

OMG I must be a retard for excidently deleting my own post!?wtfish! Anyway,must get back to what I stupidly erased just now!(ketok kepale) In the post I asked why: you take the LOW COST CARRIER when you know your ass can't fit in the small seat?its LOW Cost=Smaller plane get it? 2.stare at the stewardess short skimpy skirt if you know its aurat?(tgk skali dahla!) 3.complain to others instead of the customer service?they are paid to hear your complain,did you know that?(better,go to the press,masok tv ko nyah!) 4.did you blame them for the tax??its the freaking MAB(goverment)who got the money(ticket dah murah lagi nak seme free!) you questioned that you cannot change your cheap ticket at the last minute?hello? Check the t&c before you bought the ticket? Duh.. 6.go angry for check in charges??in US,and other countries,dah bezaman buat check in online yer??!FYI,klu kene tgl flight jugak biasenye adela yg salah kat ground staff or MAB. These are also some off the reason why all the delayed flights happened; 1.if you see the pilot are a bit late,chances are there's a last minute changes,the onduty pilot maybe call-in sick or maybe having emergency ( pilots are normal human ),so they have to get other pilots to take that pilot place.and there are two of them. 2.if they pilot tells you that they need to turnaround,chances are the weather are bad that its not safe to land,or something might be wrong with the flight,most of the time its the weather. 3.LCTT and KLIA share the same runaways (landasan) soo,they have to follow the air traffic control,bukan ikot ske Tony yer?sabo bole? 4.the stairs are not that high,its not batu caves,its just stairs,get ur lazy ass to do some exersicela!if your golden citizen,pregnant women,special needs,and so forth,you get to cut the line!so whats the problem here? 5. Go travel with other airlines if you hate it soo much,dont go complain,bitch-fit on fb about it then bile offer stay- up tunggu ticket murah!whose the bitch now? As a conclusion,we all like to things for granted,ade low cost carrier bebel,sedar tak sedar ramai dah org yang dah naik kapal terbang kan? Cube tnye makcik2, dlm 5 org mesti sorg dah penah naik AA..betul cakap boss, now everyone CAN fly! Hehehe...biarla siape pun tokey,siapepun proxy nye,yang penting kite semue dah senang nak melihat dunia selain malaysia..orang KB flight penoh sokmo klu pg KL,sene kawe nok nego!nak jumpe sedare mare jauh...bukan itu ke yang penting?cube tgk org putih kat LCCT,kelek anak 3 relax je,sbb die dah biase travel dgn low cost carrier,so die tak kesah,dah namenye pun murah!Yang penting jalan!nak exclusive2 pgla naik MAS...airport kosong,kapal kosong,senang nak check in...kekekeke...


Anonymous said...

btw babe...hari tu naik low cost kt kecik jgk...tak kisah lh tu...cuma diorg ade bg snacks n beverages even for short distance..AA ade ke takde ek?? i'm not so sure lah.. ;)

ctfadzlin said...

Yeke?bagusla..trusla naik flybe tu..AA mmg takde,seme kene beli inflight,asek nk kene bayar MAB bende bukan2..mmg terukkan?trusla naik flybe tu..hahahaah!