Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Berat mate memandang,berat lagi bahu memikul..

Alah,pegi jelah,bln 6 nanti bleh buat rayuan..kejap jer..Rugi tak pegi,susah nak dapat posting dh sekarang ni..Takkan taknak keje?Penat belajar tuh..
Hmm..sedapnyer memberi nasihat..Tak nampak ke budak kecik kat tangan saye ni?Suami saye bkn keje cam suami org lain,weekend cuti boleh dtg..Sape plak yang kate saye taknak keje??Dah tak pg posting,tmpt lain takle keje ker?Teruk sangat ke keje swasta?Mati ke kene blacklist ngan KPM?Dalam hati ku seru, "sabarla fadzlin, orang lagi senang bercakap ttg ape yg tak jadi kat dieorg,latak die kat tmpt kite,blum tentu die bleh handle.."
Mama saye keje swasta, dari saye kecik, adelah 3 kali saye pg cek kat hospital kerajaan.Yer,mama saye takde pencen,tp saye tau klu mama bleh sara kiteorg berlime,kenape tak saye dgn suami yg bekerje?Saye yakin,insyaAllah rezeki saye ade di tempat lain..Memang senang menasihat,tapi klu kite tak penah ade ditempat org tu,jgnla lebey2..Pikirla pepatah diatas...
Saye tak pergi posting bkn sebab saye terpakse berkorban demi anak dan suami..Saye tak pergi kerane saye yakin ini yang terbaik buat kami bertiga..saya masih merangkak membina sebuah keluarga, dan saye yakin yang rezeki ade di mane2..Allah menguji saye kerana Dia tahu,saya mampu hadapi semua ini...So,kawan2:let me know if there's any jobs vacancies for me aite?

Sunday, December 27, 2009

One Year!!

Alhamdulillah,its been a year that me and my husband share our life as husband and wife..Coming to the year 2010,we'll be starting a whole new chapter as parent and for me hopefully as a teacher..( i tell you about tat in a whole other entry).Remembering back a year back yesterday,was one of the most beautiful day of my life.My wedding day,and fast forward this year,
the same date, I have an adorable little girl in my arms, sleeping like nothing else matter..
Its the best feeling,knowing that waking up in the morning that you have that two person waiting for you to kiss them..hopefully in near future the number will add up..insyaAllah..I have soo many people to thank to,but most of all,I have to thank the Most Merciful for blessing us..There's no words can describes how thankful we are for what He has given to us.
My dear husband,whose working day and night,trying his best to fulfill this little lady needs and now another little girl who also will be relying on him.Thank you sayang..We love you...And I pray for us to be forever till eternity...Amin...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Buah Hati Ummi and Baba

Wahai Nur Ai'syah sayang,harini genap hari ke 24 kite bersama.(Tapi klu ikut misi 23).Ummi dgn baba still jakun ngan Ai'syah..9 bulan kami tunggu Ai'syah tau...(Well,almostla 38 weeks) Tak sampai seminggu sayang ummi ade jaundis sket,lemah lutut ummi,mujur seme org sekeliling ummi gagah2 belake.Alhamdulillah,semalaman jer kite tido KSH.
Cukup 10 hari misi timbang,sayang ummi dah 3.2 kg.Baba senyum,ummi kembang, berkat susu ummi kan?Masuk minggu ke2 ummi "terajar" sayang habit baru,tido bawah ketiak ummi..hehe...
Ummi rase best sangat bile ummi peluk sayang,sayang trus senyap,tido baik punyer...
Baba yang dok ulang alik dari Puchong-Pekan pun tiap-tiap kali balik nak pelok sayang cam ummi..
Ummi bgla can,sayang pun suke kan baba pelok?
Baba cium sayang tak renti2 klau die ade..(hmm..ummi pun dh sket jeles tau..) tapi takpela..seronok tengok baba jatuh cinte dgn sayang..macam ummi jatuh cinte ngan sayang dari hari pertama ummi rase sayang gerak2 dlm perut ummi...Wahai Nur Ai'syah,buah hati ummi dan baba,jadilah kau anak yang solehah..Doa kami sentiasa dgn mu...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Nur Ai'syah....

30th November 09,4 pm,Puchong..our long waited bundle of joy was borned...there's no word can describes the feeling that I have for her...all the backache,and all kind of sickness for the past 9 months seemed to just flew out of the window every time I looked into that beautiful face...Dear Alllah...how great Your love are!We're blessed..and I am grateful for Your gift to us...Alhamdulillah..thank You Allah...

Friday, November 20, 2009


nak kate bodo ade degree..ade diploma...gambor personal,klu nak letak kat fb jgnla bagi seme org tgk...kan bende tu boleh ditapis...haih..tak pasal2...org yg tak besalah menanggung malu....sian adik yg comey lote...ex-bf yang dah jadi ex...emo sungguh rasenyer memikir ke"cerdikan" seorg pempuan ni...haih..reporter m'sia skrg pun satu, mmg senang keje..amek jerla citer dr blogger yg kumpul gossip..pastu publish kat paper,janji jual...adik ke kakak artis tak kire,janji blakang bleh letak artis kire bolehla...seme pun dah nk jadi ala-ala US tabloid,selagi boleh..kakak,abg,adik,nenek, seme korang nk hentam...cubela bagi gossip yg menarik sket klu yer pun nk tulis gossip...dok gitu?

Thursday, November 5, 2009


"Puan2 dan tuan2 boelh terus ke aras 3 untuk sessi temuduga..Sila semak nama anda di pintu2 bilik temuduga.."yer..bejalan dgn penuh nervous ke aras3.rupe nyer kat aras 3 ade satu lg aras..patutla sekolah ni ade lift..confius jgk td..semput nyawe naik tangge dgn baby yg dok menendang sbb ummi die tak mkn lagi..(cian anak ummi..)Ok,skrg cari bilik yang ade tulis name sendiri,ding3!we have a winner!bilik 2,and my name was on the top!(aiyok!whyla put my cgpa there??)dgn gelojoh nyer bg salam,2 org panel dgn confius pandang,"tunggu org lain dulu yer,nanti kami panggil.."hahahaha!malu nyer....
Ok,dh tak kuase nak bace PPSMI,1malaysia,budget2010..I just want to get these overwith..budak2 ni berceritela,ape kawan depe kene tanye..smlm dah called Pauline ngan Fatni yg interview the day before,kesimpulan yang dapat ialah,tak yahla study berie,nasib je seme..kene panel ok,okla..kene yg saje nk membunuh pun jawabjela..tak tau toksah nipu,kate je dah bace,tp tak ingat..haha..exactly what happened to me..
Mule2 tu cam smooth jer,background,extra co-curiculum activities...bla2...experiences...tetibe,
tetibe tanye,biase ngan term NRI?NKRA? And I was like (shit!I've read that,ape ah???)semanis-manis senyum ckp,"maaf cik,saye ade bace,mmg sy lupe.." (ha!gelakkan diri sendiri!)
nasib panel sorg lagi tnye,"awak bace paper"?owh,saye bace dan tgk berite..(Ceeeh,baik punye cover,tp mmg mlm td saje tgk berite dgn tekun..tau dah..)surat khabor pun browse online jer..
tapi kire penyelamat jugakla..sbb ade bende yg tau kan??
Soalan best gakla:apekah yg istimewa nyer pd Fadzlin yg boleh disumbangkan pade sekolah?
(Owh,ade sessi memuji diri sendiri:Fadzlin suke!astagfirullahalazim...)Mulela menggebang pasal diri sendiri..Cakap ajela..kang tak ckp kang kate tak confident pulok...
Itula kesimpulan temuduge yang hebat!haha!Tuhan saje yang tahu ketornyer rase ms mule2 tgk name atas skali..Tapi pas tu Dia cam tenangkan hati dgn sendiri,make terhasillah jawapan2 diatas..Paper pun,sgt bersyukur di panggil interview,biarla posting tahun depan pun,atleast satu stage dah sattle...Lega..Terime kasih kepada yang memberi tips dan sokongan..anda mmg rawks!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I'm not ready to make nice...

Yesterday while I was browsing my tv's channel I stop at these particular documentary on one of the movie channel.It is basically about the Dixie Chicks and how they were struggling from this one controversial comments that one of them made about Bush who was the president at that particular time.(I think its in 2003).Anyway,one of them said that they're ashamed that Bush came from Texas cause he was all into wars at that time.And being one of the leading country band they are,almost all these typical rednecks that are the main listener to country music were angry at them..They practically boycotted them and they even get a death threats..Craayyyzeee!I know..

Anyway,after all the nasty stuff they have to go through,in 2005 they came out with a single entittled :I'm not ready to make nice. Proclaiming that they would not appologized with the whole stuff cause they are right..Guess what?They gain more fan from outside the country music world and won five out of five Grammy's nomination that year!I guess it's true what they said"there is no such thing as bad publicity?"Anyway, I love this songs and its lyric...Yesterday only I discover the whole story of the song.. My internet is acting up soo I can't really post the video clip here..:(

p.s:I also found out that the lead singer is Nathan Petrelli's (Heroes) wife!hehe..

Monday, November 2, 2009


Yer...perkataan kegemaran Fadzlin dan suami..hehe..Tahun lepas kakak ajak pegi cam malas,sebab cam tak berkaitan sangat.."Buat apela aku nak pegi My Dear Warehouse Sale?"Tahun ni,ha!Siap promote kat seme orang,jomla pegi..Kakak dan cousin2 saye kate memang murah,stroller seratus lebey jer!(cam makcik2 kan?)Sindrom bakal menjadi makcik sudah hampir nampak nyer..Dulu kalau Vincci sale,mak ai cam nak demam selagi tak dapat pegi..Sekarang..Kalu lalu tepi Vincci tengah sale tetapla stop,pegang2,try,pastu cam..haih,tak yahla..pakai Crocs ni lagi best..Padahal dulu kalu kasut tak bertumit memang tak pandang..Seriously bukan pasal harga, ni semua pasal comfort..

Mase kat UPM ade sampai argue ngan sorang member ni..I told her,save your money and spend it on one good pair of shoes, biar mahal tapi boleh pakai lame.Cause she kept buying new shoes every month from the same shop..She was saying "bukan seme orang can affort to buy expensive shoes or have others buy for them (guilty-as-charge)." But then again,its not the question rite?Unless you're into fashion's in and out,maybe you will get bored with the same shoes in a month. You're a student, your money may come from your parents or your schoolarship.Why would you want to spend it to 12 pairs of shoes per year?

I meant, I love shoes too..but I am also well aware of my current position at that particular time as a student...But then I remember my diploma years, when Vincci was my best friends, I would buy a pair everytime there's a sale..Cause I wear high-heels to class..(Yes, I was young and stupid) haha!What on earth was I thinking??(I must not be thinking then?)

Anyway, I think changes that happened arounds you change you...Your way of thinking,your style,and your values are the things that makes you what you are there and then..And honestly, I think I'm starting to to love these changes though sometimes I think " Owh God, I'm one of the makciks now?"

Friday, October 30, 2009

Ketulusan hati

Cinta ku tak berdusta
Tak mengenal lingkar
Tak kenal nustapa
cinta ku hanya indah
Hanya bahagia
Untuk selamanya
Apa yang kurasakan ini
Persembahan untuk diri Mu
Kau dengarkan kasih Ku

Mencintai Mu
Tak mengenal waktu
Tak mengenal puitis
Hanya tulusnya hati
Mencintai Mu
Tak mengenal lagu
Keyakinan hati ku
Hanya untuk diriMu

Cinta ku tak berdusta
Tak mengenal lingkar
Tak kenal nustapa
Tak ada seribu janji
Hanya bahagia
Untuk selamanya
Apa yang kurasakan ini
Persembahan untuk diriMu
Kau dengarkan kasih Mu

Mencintai Mu
Tak mengenal waktu
Tak mengenal puitis
Hanya tulusnya hati
Mencintai Mu
Tak mengenal lagu
Keyakinan hati ku
Hanya untuk diriMu

pada dasarnya ia memang lagu cinta..tapi kepada siape cinta itu?masa mule Lin dengar lagu ni,memang masa time2 nak kawen..lagu ynag sangat asyik..Tapi due hari lepas,pasang Astro Oasis,lagu ini di tayang dengan liriknye dan video klip berjuta-juta manusia di Kota Mekkah..
Tak sedar, air mate jatuh mengenang rindunye pada Masjidil Haram..lagu itu terus bertukar makna dalam diri..terime kasih Astro Oasis...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Don't waste my time..

Young or old makes no difference,
The questions of are you ready or not,
May come to preference,

Are you ready to commit,
Or are you just looking for fun,
Choose your answers wisely,
Or else we're done..

Love maybe the four letter words that comes to your mind,
But those four letter words does you know what its determine?
The past, the present, or the future,
Pick your choice,you'll may be mine,
But did you know there's other words that followed the rhyme?

Are you familliar with "trust" or even "commitment"?
If these bother you,maybe you should stop and think for a moment..
It is something you gain,
And it is something you have to give..
Do you think you can do both?
To gain and to give?

So,for the one last time,
Stop wasting my time,
We maybe young,
But I'm a girl with a plan,
I know what I want,
And soo should you..
I'm walking away,
Cause YOU're wasting my time!

P/S: written to a friend who is about to end her engagement..some men are just jerk..I love you girl..You know you deserve the best..

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

the clock is ticking..

alhamdulillah..it has come to the last trimester..there's nothing I could or would wished for except that I'll have a safe delivery and a healthy baby girl (insyaAllah)..God knows how it feels inside,the mixed feeling of anxiety and happiness that I'm sure me and my husband shared..I know he tried his best not to look worried soo i would be less worried,but his eyes tells it all..Is there's anything my husband bad is:is hiding something from me..Its like a curse and a blessing in the same time..
I know he's worried that i may go into c-sec (nauzubillah)..I know that he worried he'll be working during the delivery,and most of all his worried if anything happen to me and our lil girl..That I know for sure..It's nice to be pregnant when you have such a lovely husband..(angkat bakul sendiri nampak?) But honestly?Can anyone tell me if they husband actually wake up in the middle of the night just to give their wife a foot massage?Dispite the fact that he just came back from the long hours flight?I didn't meant to wake him up really,but when I had that cramp..I am really in pain,and I would cried like a baby..Then the next morning I would walk like a dinosour,cause it would still hurt..
Anyway, I'm heading for my posting interview this 5th November.Had to read loads of crap to prove that I wanted the job soo bad..(I doo...hehe)Do pray for me people!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Ramadhan yang special :))

Alhamdulillah....sekejap jer dah habis Ramadhan...sayu sungguh rasenye nak raye Ramadhan sungguh istimewa tahun ini..walaupun ibadat tak sehebat orang lain tapi memang Lin suke bulan ni..dari dulu lagi..selalu cakap ngan suami..bulan ni sangat 'magic'..hmm..sebab tu lah Allah bagi sekali je setahun..Walaupun tahun ni puasa ngan baby dlm perut,syukur sungguh rasenye dapat puase kurang satu hari je..(muntah dgn hebat di pagi birthday sendiri,ingatkn bleh tahan, kol sepuluh dah lembik sgt dah,tak tahan...)Ibu2 mengandung first time,please be noted that bersahur kene tau ape yang kite boleh dan tak boleh makan..seme org lain selere,tapi bg mengelakkan kejadian muntah seperti saye,tolongla jangan sahor makan campur2 mende yg pedas dan manis..perut tak smpt nak digest dlm ms yang singkat..huhu..
Disebabkan tidak bekerje dan mengadu terlalu kerap kepada suami tentang tahap keboringan dirumah bile die kerje..Kami memutuskan untuk buat biskut raye sendiri..Biskut raye yg pertame dibuat ialah Biskut Bunge Cine @ semprit bunge resipe mokde yang sgt hebat..
Cubaan pertame semprit kembang sampai takde bentuk bunge..haaha..klako gile..tergelak sorang2 malam tu sebab semangat sungguh,ijad tak sampai airport lagi dh start buat..Trus called mokdebertanye kenape jadi gitu..rupenye tepung kene tambah and klu nk kembang just nice kene buat kecik2 or dlm cup..haih!sungguh perasan bagus tak tanye sblm buat...Misi die teruskan..malam tu tido dkt pukul 1..alhamdulillah semprit menjadi lepas dpt tip dr mokde..
Biskut seterusnye,choc chip.Pastu sarang semut..ha!tu mmg hebat..buat ngan suami tercinte since die mmg nak sgt kueh tu..siap nak bisness lagi tahun depan.(yelah tu yang) Pastu buat cornflakes madu,last skali buat mini popia gulung,ni pun ngan Ijad..punyela jauh sampai Shah Alam nu pegi nak beli serunding ikan yang memang hebat..kiteorg struggle nak menggulung popia tu..barulah tau betape tak berbaloinye nk bisness mende tu..penat..
Bulan puase ni jugak Lin cukup 26 tahun..Ijad buat kek kukus pisang..special la tu...hehe..
(tak kisah pun sebab rase baby dlm perut ni hadiah paling best untuk kiteorg bedue) Tup2 die bagi jgk hadiah lain..handbag..hehehe...mmg misi die utk berhenti beli handbag dah sebenarnyer..tapi suami mmg lebey kurang jugak klu tgk handbag yg lain dr lain sket...so collection handbag Fadzlin bertambah lagi..(thank you sayang!)
Hmm..ape lagi eh?Owh tahun ni Lin raye umah Ijad dulu kat Temeloh sbb raye ketige Ijad dah keje..Mmg mule tu rase cam mama!!cane la nk raye mama seme takde?pastu pikir balik,haih!papa pun org Temeloh jgk..deorg pun blk sini..huhu..So,walaupun lambat,petang raye pertame pun Lin still jumpe mama,papa, and adik-beradik yang lain..Kire untunglakan kawen org dekat2 ni??hehe..okla..nanti smabung citer pasal raye in details..:)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


There's no more words that could expressed the gratitude that I've been feeling this past few weeks..I just attended my convocation last saturday in UPM.As hot as the sunny sun was,it didn't matter to me..I'm finally graduating!My black long dress didn't even bother me eventhough I sweat like a pig (my husband direct translation as "bepeloh cam babi" lol) I knew that inside the hall the air-condition will be freakingly cool..

It was wonderful as both my mama and my mak made it.Though they have to travel all the way from Pahang for me, I knew that they knew how much I wanted them there..And not to mentioned the new level of my husband patience was being tested as he had to drive back and forth from UPM-Pekeliling-Puncak Alam-UPM.Just to make sure that he kept his promise to me.That he'll be waiting for me outside the hall.My dear papa was also very kind to just go with everyone's flow eventhough he was very hungry due to not having lunch prepared by me..My Along,who got his SLR lenses cracked due to the over-excited classmates of mine who did not throw the mortar board up high but to the front..(I am truly sorry long,I'll make it up to you one day,that's a promise) and lastly, my dear nephew, who was such a good sport fallowing his Uncle Ijad ( in faris words "Untle ijat') around without causing any trouble..

It was rather emotional to me as I tried to fight back my tears..remembering how much I wanted this degree.And how much my mother spend her time,energy ,and money to makesure that I'll made it this far..As walked out the hall and I saw my mama,she said "Tahniah sayang,mama takde bunge untuk Lin,malam ni kite dinner mama blanje.." and I said to her, "it's okay..Trime Kaseh ma.." and I said to myself,I should have said some more things,but we were caught in that moment.We were just hugging and kissing each other cheeks with the teary eyes.

I guess she knew that I'm lost for words and I truly hope that one day I'll be able to say all the things a should have said to her...Mama,you're my inspiration..and forever will be my hero...I love you...I'm tearing up now,so I guess I better stop...Please do not take your mom for granted..

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The beginning of the end....

Its my last week in the school..I can help the mixed feeling of happy and sad..
  • I started to make new friends among the teachers,we've grown to like each others.
  • my students and I are starting to really getting along..and they are nice kids..and i love them...
  • I like to know that when I wake-up in the morning that I have some place to go:school...
  • Above all, I love it that I am done with my teaching practical.I have learnt soo much in such a short time.That I am moving foward,closer to my goal,that I am graduating this August with my little bundle of joy with me,that I will be able to sit and reflect on what have i accomplished within my four years in UPM.

Then there goes the sad part:

  • I'm not sure if we going be seeing each other later on.
  • My students will just forget that i once exist and practically forget what I've tought them.
  • I will restart my old habit of being a couch-potato.
  • That I will not know how long the posting process will starts.The interview,the posting,and everything that comes with it..

Whatever happens I always remind myself that I should always,always be grateful for what I have.And everytime I failed to get something that I have worked for, I said to myself, I can't have everything I want and when God didn't give you something you want, He must have His own reason for doing soo..He is Always Fair and Knows Everything..So, I am forever grateful for what He has given me..Alhamdulillah...Thank you Allah...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My Baby…

I now officially have two babies to take care off..My hubby (the-big-baby) and my baby “baby” (in-the-making) he/she is three months this week.. Last Tuesday we went for the second check-up, during the scanning it was moving….upside down..it was soo adorable..last month it was really small..in a month the transformation was such a miracle for both of us…and it moved…we were awed by it ,when I came out from the doctor’s room I was bursting in tears…(blame the hormones!) suddenly I felt all the tiredness, the puking, the mood swings, GONE…it was worth it…I would never understand how anyone could just throw away their babies... in whatever circumstances that they are in…its just pure unhuman…even the animals protect their babies….

Back to our little bundle of joy…I’m feeling way much better now, still have times that I am nauseated by strong smells( bau org masak kari,bau asap rokok,b.o yg sgt habat )or by tooth paste(had to get a maternity tooth paste,lol). One thing for sure, I can eat rice again!Not saying that before this I can’t even eat it,I just lost the appetite, but now its on again and I am happy!:) Amazingly,I actually lost weight last month..I read that some lost weight on the 1st trimester but will be gaining in the 2nd and final trimester…so,I’m guessing I’m fine then..the funny part is ijad’s stomach is growing a bit bigger now that most people that we know are noticing it…my dear hubby,he was on training for two months and he finished most of the food that I can’t finished..soo there you go…He didn’t really gain any weight its just the stomach..hehe…cute…( only applicable to me,cause he’s mine :p)

Well that’s the updates…Lin is pregnant and vewy2 happy…in 4 weeks time will finish her teaching practical.!!yabedabedooo!!!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

on the plane to Bali...

Sitting next to my dear hubby in our flight to Denpasar, Bali I just finished eating our "dried-chicken-rice" (dried or not dried, it cost RM9, got to finished it...dose,membazir!). I sort of promised my dear ex-roomate that I will update my blog, so this is me trying my best to write again after being mrs haizad...(ade kene-mengene ke?)
Back to my journey,I think I have developed this new hobby of trying to put these groups of peoples in curtain categories..Who is these groups of people? Well, I actually have the pleasure of observing the fellow steward/dess.Which airlines really doesn't matter, cause I've only have been travelling using these three particular airlines which are AirAsia,MAS, and Saudi Air. Why don't I let you guys decide which are these people belongs to which airlines okkay?

  • The very-very nice one

These are my most favourites! Always smiling, and you can see it in their eyes that they actually enjoy serving others.You can't fake that rite?

  • The nice-straight face

They have this straight serious face that kinda gives some the wrong impression that they are angry? But if you asked them for any assistance, then only you see that they are not angry. After all, we are all human. She or he just may had a bad day...

  • The-know-it-all face

Uuuu...I hate this face..Normally these types are overly "groomed" ( i think you get what i mean) I've had experiances with few of these type. There this one particular incident that I cannot seemed to get over with.

As you are well aware that I am not the most tallest person in Malaysia, I always have trouble putting my bags into the-very-high compartment.I remember saying "Boleh tolong saya letakkan beg saya?" (With a smile of course) Then she looked at me and said "Cik mintak tolong orang kat belakang tu eh."(Straight face) And I was stunned..The plane is only half full, and my bag are not even big....WT...And I looked at the back, NO one was there!!And during the flight she dared come to me and said "Puan,nak beli souvinier?" Ya Allah, at that time I was pretty sure that she really forgot to see the mirror before she go to work that day...I don't even wanna starts with the make-ups.She looked like a mother of 5 and she dares called me Puan??I was wearing a freaking tshirt and jeans,with my fake LeSportSac bag!!!You are SOO NOT COOl!(okkay,emo jap,sambung2)

  • the-gediks (male and female)

will not go about short skirts that are shorten soo everyone can see the free peep show..refuse to elaborate, you'll see these when you get on the plane yourselves.

  • the-whatever-face

Really?If you don't wanna go to work,why bother?? get your MC or something.Your job is serving people.And that smarty-pants, requires you toooooooooooo? SMILE!!Comprende?Not asking you to polish my shoes, a smile would not kill no one.

For those who may get offended by these posting, I'm sorry but I'm just like other customers you know,who happened to pay for their flights and just happy with a smile..(well,maybe i only paid for the tax)And you know what they say, "Customer is always right.Right?"

Lin signing off..Later!

Friday, January 30, 2009

the starting of the new beginning...

We made it...Alhamdullillah...There is nothing in the world would replace the mixed feeling that I felt on that 27th December 2008.We've been together for almost three years, went through all the ups and downs together as a couple..On that particular date,it was official..We both made our promised to Allah and to ourselves that we are going to be together as long as He allows us to be.Through all sickeness and health, for richer and poorer, as long as we shall live...
Today, it's been 1 month and 4 days since we've became husband and wife..I found myself falling in love all over again with him..(some like to believe its a phase) But I think I am growing to love him more and more each days that we've spent together...The way he kissed my forehead everytime we wake up from sleep is something I look foward in my every waking moment.In my heart I pray, "Dear God, please let all of this last till my last breath.."This must be the feeling of love...