Sunday, August 31, 2014

Soal iman?

Soal hati,soal iman?
Tipis atau tebal siapa yang mampu lihat?
Lihat dengan mata atau dengan hati?
Iman itu ada,cuma di situ atau disini?
Iman untuk siapa?
Untuk DIA atau untuk Dunia?
Iman memang tidak boleh diwarisi..
Memang tak boleh dijual dan dibeli,
Iman yang mudah rapuh,
Bagi kami yang serba lemah dan mudah jatuh...
Bangun terkapai-kapai...mencari iman yang retak tadi..
Retak atas emosi,retak atas polusi duniawi...
Retak,dan hampir mati...
Kuatkan hati..Pohon Ilahi..
Kutip yang retak tadi..
Semoga DIA mengerti,aku cuma hamba disini...
Semoga diterima nanti,dengan iman yang tebal dihati...amin...

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Towards a better life!

Assalam..Belum lewat untuk saya ucapkan selamat hari raya aidilfitri..mohon maaf tersalah silap sepanjang mengarang disini..
  Nak cite sikit pasal gambar kat atas tu..Tu gambar lepas bersenam pagi tadi.Tak edit ape-ape tau gambar tu..Saya suke sebab I actually think I look radiant after the workout.Scientifically it said that is because all the happy hormones are released during a workout!
Maka marilah kite bersenam..
When I started a few months back really cause I wanted something for myself after ze huzben got himself a bike.But when my instructor asked me why I joined?Really to keep fit again..I was fit back then and I missed those good old times.I'm not planning to loose weight..(bonus if i did) the main concerned was that I'm 31 this year..and I wanna be feel good about myself again in terms of taking a of oneself.They said, "take care of yourself first before you can take care of others" I have to agree.
 We mommies,tend to neglect ourself as we love to take care of others.Remember,a happy women is a happy mother,wife,worker!Exercise!Just like Elmo said it"it makes you feels good and it shoes!!"