Wednesday, October 29, 2008


hari ni rase cam nak gelak pun yer cam nak marah pun yer...nape?

yang nak tegelak:
  • citer mimi semalam,miss x kat kelas kiteorg yang satu kelas tak suke mengaku kat cik pah die tak suke kiteorg..(she's like 33 years old tau...very high-school)
  • cam tak pecaye kat kad kawen tu name sendiri...(Kembang jer rase bile tgk kad tu...bebunge2 cam dlm hindustan tu..nak nyanyi2,pusing2 pokok cam aishwaria rai...hehehe)
  • tgk kawan2 yang dah makin matang(not all) they faced each problems everyday,how fast time flies...
  • my confidence in driving,trust me,i pray a lot in Mekah so that I have courage to drive again..
  • anak2 sedare yang dah makin besar dan makin pandai...faris yang rase die pandai swimming and aina yang rase die dah boleh jalan..they're soo ADORABLE!!
Yang nak marah:
  • driving school yang asyik cancel driving class...byk lg bende aku nak buat...geram!!
  • wireless kolej ni,Ya Allah..sabojelah...
  • lelaki namenyer Safwan:PENIPU besor!used to know him before,did not know him anymore..
  • budak2 yang tak matang2 kat kelas tu...dah nak pegi praktikal,perangai lagi terok dari budak sekolah menengah..
Paperpun,semue perasaan tuh takboleh mengatasi satu-satunye perasaan yang tengah bebunge kat hati saye...nak jadi isteri Yuzairill jerla yang tau betape bersyukurnye saye....(huhuhu...tetibe nak nangis....)

p/s:tulisan seorang yang tengah PMS... :)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Counting the days...

It's closer...and my heart is beating with mixed I am..25 years old...starting a new journey with the man I knew for almost three years...we grew together...fight together...cried and laugh together..I pray that this would last forever..I'm soo nervous at the same time, so thrilled to start a new phase in my life...very mushy today..hehe..Anyway let do a little check list on the wedding stuffs:

  • hantaran=sattled
  • pak andam=booked
  • photograper=booked
  • bunge telor=not yet
  • guest souvineir=bought
  • wedding dress=booked(ijad's side,on the way)
  • invitations= done by next week
  • kursus kahwin=done
  • HIV test & permohonan kahwin= to be done ASAP
  • car license= on the way ,6 more hours to go..
  • bed=to be bought ASAP
  • cooks=booked
  • menus=confirmed
  • maid of honour=kak yah
  • bachelorette party=still not confirm...:(
  • booking hotels for friends=will get to it ASAP!!
p/s: salah satu brg hantaran ku....hehehe..

I think that's all..?I'm sleepy now..tata!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Would one be happier?

Do you ever be in the state of mind where you felt helpless?Well I am in that situation..the feeling of not being able to do anything that you think you could have done...but you can't..
Then you'll get depress and suppress at the same time..No body said that life is easy..But,wouldn't be nice not to have burden in a day..I guess that is why God's created heaven.The only place that no problem will come to you.Where you'll have that wonderful life forever..There's a catch,it's also not easy to go to heaven..There's a whole lot of things you have to face to get that special reward.
As a conclusion,IT IS NEVER GOING TO BE EASY! I'm not questioning my faith,this is just a little reminder for me..And or whoever that may read this blog of mine..