Saturday, November 30, 2013

Dia tak kerja...

Dia tak kerja,
Untungla dia,
Tak perlu tempuh kereta berjuta,
Dia tak kerja,
Bertuahla dia,
Pagi petang melayan anak sahaja,
Dia tak kerja,
Rugila dia,
Belajar bertahun,
Begitu sahaja,
Dia tak kerja,
Biar dia buat semua,
Bila-bila dia ade masa,
Dia tak kerja,
Peduli ape,
Die tak stress macam orang bekerja..
Dia tak kerja,
Dia juga manusia,
Yang juga tahu erti penat,suka,dan duka,
Dia tak kerja,
Senangnya berkata,
Marilah duduk ditempat dia seketika..
Mampukah rasa?

Sunday, October 27, 2013


    I 've been dreading to write for quite sometime, I know..Wouldn't wanna make any excuses for it.
I'm just wanna share about my latest guilty pleasure on the idiot box called "Catfish".Would take a whole entry just to explain whats the show is about but to make it short its about two guys helping out people who've in online relationship for sometimes but haven't met that person they're actually in a relationship with?Sounds complicated?Youtube it?
    Why is this soo interesting to me?For those who don't know,yours truly met ze husband on Friendster.Yup..We may come from the same high-school,but we have never talk or interact during those years untill we met online,again thanks to Friendster.Only after the second season starts airing on MTV,I learnt that the host,Nev has a movie on it..I know,slow giler.Which only makes sense cause if you watched him,you'll knew that he actually experinced it .
      They movie was real,it was not based on true events,it was Nev's brother who is a film maker filming Nev the whole course of the relationship.I could tell you the whole story but then where's the fun in that?

Thursday, February 28, 2013

7 years of a ride..

On this date 7 years ago..I was smiling while texting while walking to the bus stop.The text said "love you gradually..".I kept playing our conversation the night before..He asked me to list down,all the characters that I'm looking for in a husband.If you know me,you should know that at that particular part of my life,I still lived in a fantasy land where there's tree made of cotton candy and so forth.I pactically blabbed for half and hour.Playing with my hair,laying on the bed..smiling like a fool.Then when I finished my unrealistic dream husband characteristics,it was his turn.He was pretty much waiting for me to ask him,so?whats your kind a girl?I kind a expected that the answers gonna leads to me,but of course with all the details before he actually wanna confessed it.But boy, I was wrong..He was sure and his answer was quick "its you".A simple answered that got me crying and laughing at the same time..We talk and talk..And the rest is history..We've been through quite a journey,me and him..When I thought engagement period was tough,marriage is tougher..But we grew,we learnt,and we love..I believed Allah has given us a blessed life,that I would never wanna trade it with anyone else..There's no regrets,only hopes and prayers for us to stay together till jannah..amin..

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Assalam,lama tidak menulis,hati tersentuh di pagi ini kerana sentap dengan suami..Maka terilham untuk menitip entri ini.Bukankah lebih baik mengadu pada yang Satu?ini bukan entri mengadu/mengata ,ini realiti..kenyataan dalam hidup yang sudah jadi lumrah bagi saya.
Seperti yang di ketahui,saya baru melahirkan seorang lagi puteri kurniaan Ilahi 14/11/12 yang lalu.Nur Amna namanya,nak cerita pasal die tak cukup satu entri.Kita balik semula pada cerita tadi,sentap.Perkara yang hanya mampu kita rasa dengan orang2 tertentu.
Sejak pulang dari habis pantang,suami sungguh sibuk dengan kerja.alhamudulillah,rezeki anak2 & ummi skali lah kan?tapi bila sibuk bekerja ertinya kurangla masa untuk kami2 di rumah ini.Saya yang masih menyesuaikan diri dengan 2 orang anak dirumah,seorang yang sememangnya masih bayi,dan seorang lagi yang menuntut perhatian kerana merasakan diri sudah semakin besar.sungguh mencabar kesabaran hingga satu ketika saya rasa saya lemas dalam tangisan kedua-duanya..Allah sahaja yang tahu perasaan itu..perasaan yang tak mampu di terangkan dengan kata2..tapi hati ini bagai diberi kekuatan,fikirkanlah meraka di Gaza,apalah sangat kusutnya saya nak dibandingkan dengan ibu2 yang kehilangan anak dan suami disana.
Biarla saya sentap dengan suami,mak dia sendiri pun mengaku,ada perkara2 yang dia tidak sedar sering menyentuh hati kecil saya.saya tak sempurna,begitu juga dia.habis2 pun saya masuk toilet nanges dalam shower,amalan sejak jadi ummi,taknak nanges depan anak2..ini realiti nya,saya redha..Moga Allah beri kita semua kekuatan dan permudahkan jalan kita disina dan di sana nanti inshaAllah.