I once said to Ijad that I have two mums..Well,it's true.I do have two mums;mama and mak anjang..The two most important women in my life..Now that I'm married,I have three mums..hehe..Anyway, my makjang was my mum since I was small...She practically raised me alongside my mama cause we stayed in the same house.
I think I starts sleeping with her when I was 2 or 3 years old.As mama told me when I was bigger,that she had to sneak me out from makjang's bedroom and take me to sleep with her.Then in the middle of the night, if I realized that I was not sleeping with makjang,I would cried and ran to her room instead...I remember when I was small,my family members would asked me questions such:
"nanti makjang kawin,cane?" Then I would boldly said: "Lin tolok suami makjang tido bawah" mine or mine,sometimes I had this guilt that I was responsible of her being single till today..But then again who am I to questions Allah's destiny for her?
My late Tok Wan always reminds me to take of her and I will (InsyaAllah) do my very best to gave back all the love that she had given me all this times..
I'm kidnapping her for a week to stay with me now,though she's been complaining that she got nothing to do here,I knew she is having a good time relaxing at my place...Planning to take her to do some shopping at Jusco once hubby's back..
saya pun sayang mak anjang saya
saya pon.... jgn bg makjang jalan jauh2... makjang sakit lutut nt....
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