Yer...perkataan kegemaran Fadzlin dan suami..hehe..Tahun lepas kakak ajak pegi cam malas,sebab cam tak berkaitan sangat.."Buat apela aku nak pegi My Dear Warehouse Sale?"Tahun ni,ha!Siap promote kat seme orang,jomla pegi..Kakak dan cousin2 saye kate memang murah,stroller seratus lebey jer!(cam makcik2 kan?)Sindrom bakal menjadi makcik sudah hampir nampak nyer..Dulu kalau Vincci sale,mak ai cam nak demam selagi tak dapat pegi..Sekarang..Kalu lalu tepi Vincci tengah sale tetapla stop,pegang2,try,pastu cam..haih,tak yahla..pakai Crocs ni lagi best..Padahal dulu kalu kasut tak bertumit memang tak pandang..Seriously bukan pasal harga, ni semua pasal comfort..
Mase kat UPM ade sampai argue ngan sorang member ni..I told her,save your money and spend it on one good pair of shoes, biar mahal tapi boleh pakai lame.Cause she kept buying new shoes every month from the same shop..She was saying "bukan seme orang can affort to buy expensive shoes or have others buy for them (guilty-as-charge)." But then again,its not the question rite?Unless you're into fashion's in and out,maybe you will get bored with the same shoes in a month. You're a student, your money may come from your parents or your schoolarship.Why would you want to spend it to 12 pairs of shoes per year?
I meant, I love shoes too..but I am also well aware of my current position at that particular time as a student...But then I remember my diploma years, when Vincci was my best friends, I would buy a pair everytime there's a sale..Cause I wear high-heels to class..(Yes, I was young and stupid) haha!What on earth was I thinking??(I must not be thinking then?)
Anyway, I think changes that happened arounds you change you...Your way of thinking,your style,and your values are the things that makes you what you are there and then..And honestly, I think I'm starting to to love these changes though sometimes I think " Owh God, I'm one of the makciks now?"
Alahai..cantiknya blog ni..mcm hippie hippie sket. (Think 'Eat, Pray and Love' by Elizabeth Gilbert. Think India for God sake! hahah)
Just want to say one thing,
Kalau dah makcik tuh makcik jugak laaa...!!!!
Kak lin, I xsmpat nk baca post ni, tp I nak cakap, link blog tu salah la. Tu blog dr.edwin pny class haha.
itu baru la btl.
kakak:tenq2!awok lagi makcik ok??lol!
mimi:hahaha!ok!i tukor...
shesh..makcik or not makcik, at least i'm comfortable in my own's too short anyway!
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