Wednesday, December 31, 2014
2014 recap...
Assalamualaikum..Been quite a while since I last update this,felt like a lost writer.2014 was quite a year alhamdulillah..went to Hong Kong,Pangkor,Kota Kinabalu...And Penang and Johor of course.Met withmy old best friend in Johor and KK.Tat was amazing...I loved them soo much but we lost contact for stupid reasons.oooo...and I've started to drive myself!!!Such a happy feeling to get back behind the wheel and get stuck in jam?hahaha...Still...It was fun being able to have a brunch with my fellow housewives once a while.I also managed to get my ass to a ladies gymnasium..Which give me my bass back!yup...these years is all about tat bass!from jlo to nicky minaj!hahah...personally,i think it was a great year for me...alhamdulillah..i wouldnt wanna share any of my bad memories this year cause I've flushed it down and I forgave myself and others whose responsible for see,life is too short...I learn to appreciate it more than to see the bad stuff that goes around it...So,welcome 2015!Let face the crazy Puchong traffic like a champion and not skipped gym session!
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Anak lelaki kedua...
Ceritanya..dari awal lahir anak teruna Fauziah,suami adik suruh susukan anak itu..katanya nanti dah besar,mudah bg ai'syah dan amna..tak payah bertudung kepala dengan shifa'.
Saya teragak-agak..macam tak betul plak niat tu..balik kampung baru ini..daya acah-acah nak susukan dia..suami adik cakap "susukanlah..nanti boleh dia bawa amna dan ai'syah umrah & haji." MasyaAllah...cair rase hati..betul jugak kata Shukry.Kudrat Allah siapa yang tahu,andai ummi dan baba pergi dulu..syukurlah ada adik dan abang susuan bakal membantu..
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Soal iman?
Soal hati,soal iman?
Tipis atau tebal siapa yang mampu lihat?
Lihat dengan mata atau dengan hati?
Iman itu ada,cuma di situ atau disini?
Iman untuk siapa?
Untuk DIA atau untuk Dunia?
Iman memang tidak boleh diwarisi..
Memang tak boleh dijual dan dibeli,
Iman yang mudah rapuh,
Bagi kami yang serba lemah dan mudah jatuh...
Bangun terkapai-kapai...mencari iman yang retak tadi..
Retak atas emosi,retak atas polusi duniawi...
Retak,dan hampir mati...
Kuatkan hati..Pohon Ilahi..
Kutip yang retak tadi..
Semoga DIA mengerti,aku cuma hamba disini...
Semoga diterima nanti,dengan iman yang tebal dihati...amin...
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Towards a better life!

Nak cite sikit pasal gambar kat atas tu..Tu gambar lepas bersenam pagi tadi.Tak edit ape-ape tau gambar tu..Saya suke sebab I actually think I look radiant after the workout.Scientifically it said that is because all the happy hormones are released during a workout!
Maka marilah kite bersenam..
When I started a few months back really cause I wanted something for myself after ze huzben got himself a bike.But when my instructor asked me why I joined?Really to keep fit again..I was fit back then and I missed those good old times.I'm not planning to loose weight..(bonus if i did) the main concerned was that I'm 31 this year..and I wanna be feel good about myself again in terms of taking a of oneself.They said, "take care of yourself first before you can take care of others" I have to agree.
We mommies,tend to neglect ourself as we love to take care of others.Remember,a happy women is a happy mother,wife,worker!Exercise!Just like Elmo said it"it makes you feels good and it shoes!!"
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Liar liar pants on fire..
If there's anything I can't tolerate,it would be lying...Its the worst kind of betrayal any human being can do to one another.For me...liars and the worst kind..but who am I to judge?sometimes I lied too..soo I must be the worst of people too?
Trying to instill sabr ain't easy..but remembering that we are all humans..where the fitrah is never perfect and flawed.Remembering to lower the expectations towards one another is also another me...I can't be sad for these petty matters of the world..This stage,these momentary world..Its not supposed to be perfect..I'm still struggling...taking baby steps that I kept on stumbling..May Allah eases this journey of claiming back the heart..that belongs to HIM..amin..
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Tak mungkin mampu puaskan semua..
Assalam..lama tak menulis..rindu.Saya kini merangkak dengan perlahan..Berlatih..cubaan menjadi lebih baik..kadang kala mungkin disalah ertikan.saya manusia biasa.yang penuh dengan khilaf.
Saya masih bertatih..DIA sahaja yang tahu..DIA satunya tempat mengadu..kerana kebenaran di atas muka bumi yang fana ini perit.kerana ini semua hanya sementara.tapi apa yang terjadi semua atas hendaknya.jadi saya terus bertatih...untuk sabar...untuk redha...untuk empati...senang di coret,tapi sungguh hebat cabarannya.terus ingat..disini tidak kekal...disana akan kembali..selama-lamanya..bersama DIA..
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Ai'syah dah pandai bawok beskal!!!!
Assalam..okay..excited sampai rase nak nanges!!Tajuk entri cam bragging kan?(suke la blog kite) yes she's 4 years plus,but we dont have bicycle at home, she rarely rides on bicycle unless balik Temeloh or kat rumah her aunties..Cause we lived in condominium now,mane nak main...Sebenarnye die dah pandai kayuh a few months back,and she was begging for a bicycle but I told her to wait till me move into our new place..Soo cam dah lame die tak kayuh basikal untill last friday,hari ini kami pergi putrajaya,sewakan basikal real punya and walla!! She did it on her own!!!ummi control td,siap choked up sensorang tengok anak bawak basikal!(over kan?)
Itu jelah citernye..yay!!suke3!!!alhamdulillah...😁
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
What a successful day meant this days..
Waking up Ai'syah's without tears,
Sending Ai'syah to kindergarten without tears,
Picking up Ai'syah after kindy without tears,
Helping Ai'syah doing homeworks without tears,
SubhanaAllah..besar dugaan membesarkan anak..syukurlah Allah menguji...kadang2 saya tanya diri,inikah balasan atau ujian atas dosa2 saya yang lalu..saya hanya diuji dengan ujian sekecil ini,sedangkan setiap petang ada satu keluarga Rohignya sering duduk ditepi jalan ,bapa dan isterinya gigih mengasing bahan untuk kitar semula,anak2 nya asyik dengan sebiji bola usang.Tersentuh hati,Allahuakbar...syukurlah dengan semuanya..Jadi saya rasa hari ini berjaya,Ai'syah tak nanges disekolah,balik sekolah merengek,tak nanges seperti selalu..alhamdulillah..
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Putih itam,lurus kerinting...
Hati tersentap,teringat kata anak kecil saya.."ummi?kakak ni black eh?"
Terkejut saya.." tu macam table tu..(sambil tunjuk meja kopi kami)kakak black macam tu ke?"
"Takla..kakak black sikit je kan ummi?"
"Taklaaaa...sape cakap kakak black?"
"Tu nenek yang mase kite beli minyak kat Giant tu kate,Amna white,kakak black.."
"Isk...taklaa..kakak bukan black..kakak burned je,kakak suke main kat luar.."
Anak kecil sudah diajar putih elok,hitam tidak?Apa masalah kita??Kenapa dengan orang ini...
Yang rambut kerinting sibok nak lurus,yang lurus sebok nak kerinting..Kenapa tak boleh terima apa yang Allah bagi seadanya?Kenapa kita rosakkan keyakinan yang ada pada anak kita?Dah tua tak yakin diri,itu masalah sendiri..Tapi anak kecil janganlah dirosakkan..Biarlah dia..Hitam,putih,kelabu...Sumpah rasa nak tampar makcik kedai jamu kat Giant tu!Tak sekolah punye mulut!
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Friday, January 10, 2014
Day 2
Our first trip without baba...
It's not easy taking two active girls on a plane ride as short as 45 minutes..But we made it..alhamdulillah..
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
She's there,but she's scared,
She's spent,but she still went,
She's loved ,but she's cursed,
To her heart beats,beating fast for her lovers,
To her children,to her husband,to her parents...
Listen wise,listen twice,
For one day,there's no more her to listen to...
Then there's nothing left for you to listen..
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