Friday, October 30, 2009

Ketulusan hati

Cinta ku tak berdusta
Tak mengenal lingkar
Tak kenal nustapa
cinta ku hanya indah
Hanya bahagia
Untuk selamanya
Apa yang kurasakan ini
Persembahan untuk diri Mu
Kau dengarkan kasih Ku

Mencintai Mu
Tak mengenal waktu
Tak mengenal puitis
Hanya tulusnya hati
Mencintai Mu
Tak mengenal lagu
Keyakinan hati ku
Hanya untuk diriMu

Cinta ku tak berdusta
Tak mengenal lingkar
Tak kenal nustapa
Tak ada seribu janji
Hanya bahagia
Untuk selamanya
Apa yang kurasakan ini
Persembahan untuk diriMu
Kau dengarkan kasih Mu

Mencintai Mu
Tak mengenal waktu
Tak mengenal puitis
Hanya tulusnya hati
Mencintai Mu
Tak mengenal lagu
Keyakinan hati ku
Hanya untuk diriMu

pada dasarnya ia memang lagu cinta..tapi kepada siape cinta itu?masa mule Lin dengar lagu ni,memang masa time2 nak kawen..lagu ynag sangat asyik..Tapi due hari lepas,pasang Astro Oasis,lagu ini di tayang dengan liriknye dan video klip berjuta-juta manusia di Kota Mekkah..
Tak sedar, air mate jatuh mengenang rindunye pada Masjidil Haram..lagu itu terus bertukar makna dalam diri..terime kasih Astro Oasis...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Don't waste my time..

Young or old makes no difference,
The questions of are you ready or not,
May come to preference,

Are you ready to commit,
Or are you just looking for fun,
Choose your answers wisely,
Or else we're done..

Love maybe the four letter words that comes to your mind,
But those four letter words does you know what its determine?
The past, the present, or the future,
Pick your choice,you'll may be mine,
But did you know there's other words that followed the rhyme?

Are you familliar with "trust" or even "commitment"?
If these bother you,maybe you should stop and think for a moment..
It is something you gain,
And it is something you have to give..
Do you think you can do both?
To gain and to give?

So,for the one last time,
Stop wasting my time,
We maybe young,
But I'm a girl with a plan,
I know what I want,
And soo should you..
I'm walking away,
Cause YOU're wasting my time!

P/S: written to a friend who is about to end her engagement..some men are just jerk..I love you girl..You know you deserve the best..

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

the clock is ticking.. has come to the last trimester..there's nothing I could or would wished for except that I'll have a safe delivery and a healthy baby girl (insyaAllah)..God knows how it feels inside,the mixed feeling of anxiety and happiness that I'm sure me and my husband shared..I know he tried his best not to look worried soo i would be less worried,but his eyes tells it all..Is there's anything my husband bad is:is hiding something from me..Its like a curse and a blessing in the same time..
I know he's worried that i may go into c-sec (nauzubillah)..I know that he worried he'll be working during the delivery,and most of all his worried if anything happen to me and our lil girl..That I know for sure..It's nice to be pregnant when you have such a lovely husband..(angkat bakul sendiri nampak?) But honestly?Can anyone tell me if they husband actually wake up in the middle of the night just to give their wife a foot massage?Dispite the fact that he just came back from the long hours flight?I didn't meant to wake him up really,but when I had that cramp..I am really in pain,and I would cried like a baby..Then the next morning I would walk like a dinosour,cause it would still hurt..
Anyway, I'm heading for my posting interview this 5th November.Had to read loads of crap to prove that I wanted the job soo bad..(I doo...hehe)Do pray for me people!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Ramadhan yang special :))

Alhamdulillah....sekejap jer dah habis Ramadhan...sayu sungguh rasenye nak raye Ramadhan sungguh istimewa tahun ini..walaupun ibadat tak sehebat orang lain tapi memang Lin suke bulan ni..dari dulu lagi..selalu cakap ngan suami..bulan ni sangat 'magic'..hmm..sebab tu lah Allah bagi sekali je setahun..Walaupun tahun ni puasa ngan baby dlm perut,syukur sungguh rasenye dapat puase kurang satu hari je..(muntah dgn hebat di pagi birthday sendiri,ingatkn bleh tahan, kol sepuluh dah lembik sgt dah,tak tahan...)Ibu2 mengandung first time,please be noted that bersahur kene tau ape yang kite boleh dan tak boleh makan..seme org lain selere,tapi bg mengelakkan kejadian muntah seperti saye,tolongla jangan sahor makan campur2 mende yg pedas dan manis..perut tak smpt nak digest dlm ms yang singkat..huhu..
Disebabkan tidak bekerje dan mengadu terlalu kerap kepada suami tentang tahap keboringan dirumah bile die kerje..Kami memutuskan untuk buat biskut raye sendiri..Biskut raye yg pertame dibuat ialah Biskut Bunge Cine @ semprit bunge resipe mokde yang sgt hebat..
Cubaan pertame semprit kembang sampai takde bentuk bunge..haaha..klako gile..tergelak sorang2 malam tu sebab semangat sungguh,ijad tak sampai airport lagi dh start buat..Trus called mokdebertanye kenape jadi gitu..rupenye tepung kene tambah and klu nk kembang just nice kene buat kecik2 or dlm cup..haih!sungguh perasan bagus tak tanye sblm buat...Misi die teruskan..malam tu tido dkt pukul 1..alhamdulillah semprit menjadi lepas dpt tip dr mokde..
Biskut seterusnye,choc chip.Pastu sarang semut..ha!tu mmg hebat..buat ngan suami tercinte since die mmg nak sgt kueh tu..siap nak bisness lagi tahun depan.(yelah tu yang) Pastu buat cornflakes madu,last skali buat mini popia gulung,ni pun ngan Ijad..punyela jauh sampai Shah Alam nu pegi nak beli serunding ikan yang memang hebat..kiteorg struggle nak menggulung popia tu..barulah tau betape tak berbaloinye nk bisness mende tu..penat..
Bulan puase ni jugak Lin cukup 26 tahun..Ijad buat kek kukus pisang..special la tu...hehe..
(tak kisah pun sebab rase baby dlm perut ni hadiah paling best untuk kiteorg bedue) Tup2 die bagi jgk hadiah lain..handbag..hehehe...mmg misi die utk berhenti beli handbag dah sebenarnyer..tapi suami mmg lebey kurang jugak klu tgk handbag yg lain dr lain collection handbag Fadzlin bertambah lagi..(thank you sayang!)
Hmm..ape lagi eh?Owh tahun ni Lin raye umah Ijad dulu kat Temeloh sbb raye ketige Ijad dah keje..Mmg mule tu rase cam mama!!cane la nk raye mama seme takde?pastu pikir balik,haih!papa pun org Temeloh jgk..deorg pun blk sini..huhu..So,walaupun lambat,petang raye pertame pun Lin still jumpe mama,papa, and adik-beradik yang lain..Kire untunglakan kawen org dekat2 ni??hehe..okla..nanti smabung citer pasal raye in details..:)